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A Narrative Battle Report

I did not get my first game of the May scrum completed in time to write a battle report for this week.  In order to fill the otherwise empty week, I am going to try something a little different.  I played a game a couple weeks ago where the scenario was basically irrelevant because we were both scoring at an equal pace.  As such, I am going to try my hand at writing a narrative battle report.  If that's not your thing, I am putting a quick description of how the game actually went at the end.  I will be taking some creative liberties with the actual events for the sake of the story.  I am hoping this is enjoyed as a suitable replacement for a normal battle report.  I present, a battle between Venethrax and Rasheth.


Venethrax eyed the treeline ahead and considered his forces.  His primary assets were only a handful of 'jacks and the Nyss mercenaries that had agreed to take the Dragonfather's coin.  He growled in irritation at his lack of information regarding the Skorne he knew to be on the other side of the forest.  Lich Lord Malathrax had sent word that a squad of reivers were travelling with a Skorne warlock in the area, but he had not said anything about the two massive beasts that were visible even on the other side of the trees.  They had harnesses strapped to them allowing riders to fire strange guns from their backs, while others wielded long spears allowing them to attack enemies that got close to the beasts.  Venethrax did not like surprises, and the ability to see these giant creatures made him wonder what else could be travelling with the Skorne contingent.  From what he could see, his enemy had come with a ranged battle plan.  The 'jacks Venethrax was leading had just been augmented to resist the kind of ranged attacks his enemy brought to the battle, which gave him confidence this would be an easy victory.  He also knew that having Deathjack and Malice accompanying his slayer, harrower and pair of ripjaws would likely turn the tide in his favor.

Never one to play a defensive game, the lich lord urged his battlegroup forward as he gave the signal for the Nyss to start to press forward.  Once the Nyss started their advance towards the massive creature on Venethrax's left, he gave another signal to his warwitch sirens, telling them to follow the Nyss.  They would support the mercenaries, while also keeping an eye on them and making sure they didn't flee from the battle.  He didn't need to give a signal to the Withershadow Combine, who knew to take cover behind the house to the right of the forest.  Their position would be crucial for attacking with magic once the battle began.

As the 'jacks started forward, Venethrax looked through the eyes of the slayer.  He allowed it to take the point.  Malice and the harrower positioned on Venethrax's side of the forest, while Deathjack moved out toward the right to support the Withershadow Combine.  When Venethrax returned his complete attention to the slayer, he found that it was just emerging from the far side of the treeline and he got his first look at the opposing Skorne force.

The giant turtle-like creature on the left was supported by the reivers that Malathrax had reported.  However, there was a second unit of Skorne positioned farther forward than the rest of the army line.  They were lightly armored and appeared to be wielding slings.  Behind them, Venethrax saw the what appeared to be a giant pig carried on a platter by several small warbeasts.  Around him were a couple of one-eyed warbeasts.  The second giant turtle was on the right and a line of whip wielding beast handlers were arrayed behind the entire line.

As the slayer cleared the treeline, the Skorne forces began to open fire.  It appeared everything, including the warbeasts, had brought ranged weapons to the battle.  Venethrax was confident the 'jack's enhanced armor would save it from the worst of the barrage, but through the slayer's eyes he witnessed a slinger charge forward and then die as a spell erupted from its chest to hit the 'jack.  As Venethrax contemplated the uses Cryxian forces would have for such a ritual, he noticed the slayer's armor had been degraded from the spell and the 'jack was taking damage much more quickly than the lich lord had anticipated.  The slayer's cortex was ruined in a matter of seconds, forcing Venethrax to return his attention to his own surroundings.  He only had three heavy 'jacks left and hoped losing the slayer was worth the information he had obtained about the opposing force.

The massive beasts moved astonishingly quickly as their riders poured shots into his forces.  Venethrax urged Deathjack into a position to charge the giant monster on the right, even as he commanded one of his ripjaws to run forward.  As the little 'jack ran forward, its arc node sprang to life as Venethrax channeled a spell through it to kill one of the slingers.  The incantation captured the soul of the skorne and turned it into chains that weighed down the beast, preventing it from moving freely.  He knew Deathjack would be safe from the beast reaching it for a few seconds, which is all the mighty 'jack would need.

Venethrax briefly turned his attention to the left flank to see how the Nyss were faring against the other giant turtle.  The Nyss had charged the other giant creature, along with some of the sling bearing skorne.  A few died on the way in, but they managed to score a couple hits on the beast, while also thinning out the light infantry a bit.  Despite the small successes, he could see several more Nyss being cut down by the reivers.  He wasn't sure how much longer the mercs could hold that flank.  To support the Nyss, he motioned the two warwitch sirens forward and they both cast corrosive spells to help finish clearing out the sling wielders.

The lich lord's attention returned to the side of the battlefield where his 'jacks were arrayed when the harrower was afflicted by the same spell that corroded the slayer's armor.  Simultaneously, a power started emanating from the fat Skorne warlock.  Venethrax the power pouring forth from the warlock degrading his entire force's armor and sapping its strength.  While the harrower was destroyed by another volley of gunfire from the massive beasts and the pair of cyclopes, Venethrax concentrated on sending a portion of his own power to Deathjack for the counter attack.

The Withershadow Combine had been watching this sequence play out and knew their master's intent.  As Deathjack began building speed towards the massive creature on the right flank, Malevolous cast a spell on it that ate away at its armor and ability to avoid attacks.  Deathjack gouged deep slashes into the creature's side with its claws and added to the damage by ramming its horns into the beast.  The 'jack dug deeper into the opened wound, until the creature stopped moving.  The Skorne riding atop the beast fell as the beast slumped over and Deathjack slaughtered them as they hit the ground.

Deathjack tore into the dead beast's flesh, unaware of the other giant turtle-like creature charging across the battlefield.  The 'jack was smashed from behind.  Venethrax was astonished at the power it was able to generate.  While the enraged beast bashed Deathjack into a pile of scrap, the fat warlock's power receded.  Even as Deathjack was getting pummeled, Malice had been edging forward slowly.

Venethrax took a look through Malice's eyes and saw his chance to end the encounter quickly.  Malice had managed to position itself where a direct harpoon shot could drag the warlock out into the open, where it could be easily cut down.  Malice fired, but somehow, the harpoon missed completely and the 'jack stood in front of the massive beast completely exposed.  The beast took a swift attack on the 'jack, but its rage seemed to have been spent on killing Deathjack.  Malice was not going to be able to take on the monstrosity on its own.  Venethrax knew if he was going to have a chance of salvaging this distaster, he could not have Malice killed by this thing.  It was time for the mighty lich lord to get personally involved in the battle.

Once again, Malevolous knew his master's mind and cast the same debilitating spell on the second creature as Venethrax screamed his warcry and charged.  When Venethrax got up close to the beast, he could see the damage the Nyss had previously inflicted.  With two quick slashes of Wyrmsbane, he removed beast's head.  As he dealt with the giant turtle, Admonia and Tremulous cast spells that killed the riders atop the best.  Even as Venethrax was killing the massive beast, Malice had moved forward and used its harpoon to drag in one of the cyclopses.  The one eyed beast was swiftly killed, and Venethrax witnessed Malice claim its soul.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pair of warwitch sirens move forward and cast their corrosive spells again.  A few of the beast handlers died to the corrosion and Venethrax could see a field of souls gathering around the 'jack.  He knew they would form a protective layer for Malice.

The fat warlock must have also seen what was happening, as it was furiously shouting at the creatures carrying it to move away as quickly as possible.  The remaining reivers formed a screen for the warlock, supported by the last cyclops.  Venethrax considered pursuit, but when he looked Malice over, he noted that the 'jack's damage was not hindering it yet, but it would not take much to start damaging its core systems.  He was not sure he could effectively pursue without risking his last 'jack.  As he looked around the battlefield, the lich lord also noticed that only Cylena, the leader of the Nyss, remained alive from the mercenaries.

Venethrax allowed the fat thing to retreat, knowing that his victory was costly.  Even the extra armor plating had not been able to withstand the concentrated firepower the skorne had brought to the battle.  Deathjack was a disappointing loss, but the Skulls of Hate remained and he knew the 'jack would reassemble somewhere and make its way back to the Dragonfather's forces in time.  He made a note of the things he had seen, before sending an angry message to Malathrax about gaps in the intelligence he had been provided.  Had Venethrax been provided with better information, perhaps he could have captured the fat warlock with powers that reminded him more of a Cryxian warcaster than any warlock he had previously encountered.

Game Summary:
Top of one:  Cryx ran forward.
Bottom of one:  Skorne focused fire and gunned down a slayer that was put forward
Top of two:  Deadweight killed an infantry and a derp turtle got hit with the debuff while Deathjack positioned for a charge next turn.  The second turtle was charged by nyss (2-3 charges).
Bottom of two:  Harrower gunned down, nyss take losses
Top of three:  Deathjack killed the turtle
Bottom of three:  Other turtle kills Deathjack, nyss take losses
Top of four:  Malice try for assassination, misses Rasheth
Bottom of four:  Turtle hit malice, cannot kill (no rage tokens)
Top five:  Venethrax kills turtle, Malice kill shaman, other infantry die loading Malice with four souls
Bottom five:  Opponent concedes, as he does not have enough left to keep fighting


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