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Showing posts from May, 2018

May 2018 Scrum - Round 4

Round 4:  vs Brad Park Scenario:  Stand Off This round I was going up against Brad Park, who issued me my first loss in the last scrum.  He was bringing a Lich1 list in the satyxis theme and a Goreshade1 list using infernal machines.  The more I looked at his Shade1 list, the more I thought he really couldn't drop that in this matchup.  Both my lists had too many models for him to deal with and I didn't think he could handle the counter attack.  With the thought that Brad would play Lich1 into me, I knew how to play the Denny2 list into him since we had talked through a very similar matchup after our last game.  However, the more I looked at my slaughter fleet list, the more I liked it into the matchup.  I would need to be careful and make sure his raiders didn't get a good charge on the kraken.  If I could keep the kraken alive and eliminate a few key models each turn, I liked my chances. When we showed up, I found out that my guess was right and he was going to play

May 2018 Scrum - Round 3

Round 3:  vs Nate Magna Scenario:  Recon 2 I haven't run into Legion recently and was not sure what to expect.  Even after looking at Nate's lists, I wasn't sure which one I might end up seeing.  I felt like Skarre was the better drop into his primal terrors list, but Denny would be the better play into Thagrosh.  I was kinda hoping he would play primal terrors, using the same logic I had been using for choosing slaughter fleet:  they are the new toy.  Once again, I ended up deciding that I was going to play Skarre.  My reasoning was as much a desire to get more playtime with the list as it was a hope he would play primal terrors.  Regardless of which list he dropped, the kraken is crucial for me.  The more I examined my spells, I realized that in either matchup draconic blessing would be a crucial spell.  Being able to have a model/unit ignore fire type attacks was actually going to be relevant.  I would either not need to worry about the blightbringer's aoe, or Typ

May 2018 Scrum - Round 2

Round 2:  vs Grant Richey Scenario:  Spread the Net Coming into this round, I was once again in the position of really wanting to run the Skarre3 list.  After looking at my opponent's lists, I figured I would be seeing Haley3 and felt that my slaughter fleet list actually had the tools to be able to counter some of her tricks.  Dirge seers would mean that my boostable guns would be able to see through the cloud wall and deceleration would help deliver my army through the hail of bullets coming their way.  My only real concern was a lack of grievous wounds to counter all the tough models across the table.  Gerlack has grievous wounds, but in my first game I found that I was keeping him back for the veteran leader bonus.  With Haley3's defense buff I knew this would be a similar situation. Upon meeting my opponent, the matchup turned out as I expected.  Both of us are just learning these lists, so clock was a concern for both of us going into the game.  He got a quick rundow

May 2018 Scrum - Round 1

Round 1:  Vs Max Kenney Scenario:  The Pit 2 Coming into this Scrum, I knew I had committed to playing Denny2 in Dark Host as one of my lists for the foreseeable future.  However, Skarre3 and all the Slaughter Fleet Raiders models had just come in and I was anxious to play with Cryx's new toys.  I wanted to play Skarre3, but looked at his lists and assumed I would see Madrak1 with the troll champs.  I figured either of my lists could handle the Calandra list that he might put forth.  The real question was can Skarre3 handle DEF 16 champs?  The kraken is a decent answer, as it can get to effective MAT 10 against a single unit for any given turn.  If I could keep the kraken safe behind a unit of bloodgorgers and make use of the 4" reach, that would be viable.  I also knew that my marauders have CRA and could possibly use that to good effect also. Ultimately, Denny2 is probably the "correct" choice for this, as breath stealer just makes champs super sad.  Losing 2

A Narrative Battle Report

I did not get my first game of the May scrum completed in time to write a battle report for this week.  In order to fill the otherwise empty week, I am going to try something a little different.  I played a game a couple weeks ago where the scenario was basically irrelevant because we were both scoring at an equal pace.  As such, I am going to try my hand at writing a narrative battle report.  If that's not your thing, I am putting a quick description of how the game actually went at the end.  I will be taking some creative liberties with the actual events for the sake of the story.  I am hoping this is enjoyed as a suitable replacement for a normal battle report.  I present, a battle between Venethrax and Rasheth. Narrative: Venethrax eyed the treeline ahead and considered his forces.  His primary assets were only a handful of 'jacks and the Nyss mercenaries that had agreed to take the Dragonfather's coin.  He growled in irritation at his lack of information regarding