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January 2020 Scrum - Round 1

Round 1:  vs Joe Ferry Scenario:  Spread The Net For this scrum, I had fully intended to continue playing my pairing of Coven in scourge and Denny2 in black industries.  Naturally, this means I didn't put either of those lists into my scrum pairing.  I had played a couple games into Skorne recently and realized that pairing left me needing to dodge the Skorne matchup.  After some talk with multiple locals, I decided that going back to Skarre3 was probably my best answer for Skorne.  That left my second list.  I could have still paired Denny2 with Skarre3, but realized that since I actually purchased all the stalkers needed to run 8 in a list I had not put them all on the table.  (Previous games I got with that list had me borrowing stalkers from people to get all 8).  This might not be the most sound reasoning to build a list pair, but I spent the money and decided I wanted to put the models on the table.  I also figured this meant most of my rounds would probably be Skarre1, as

Coven vs Zaal2

vs Jordan Bollin Scenario:  Bunkers This week I setup a friendly game with Jordan.  He is one of the Skorne players in the local meta, which made me automatically assume I would see Zaal2.  From what I can see, unless I have a list specifically designed to deal with Zaal2, he is pretty much always what I end up playing against.  We approached this as if it was a Steamroller game and each brought a list pairing.  We sent the lists ahead of time, with me playing the Coven / Denny2 pairing that I am trying to commit to as my primary pairing for the year. Jordan and I exchanged some messages where we discussed the different matchups.  I know that he is generally tired of playing Zaal2 and he briefly considered dropping his Xerxis2 list instead, but thought that Denny2 was such a hard counter that he couldn't take that chance.  I know that I saw Denny2 played into Zaal2 in the past, but it was before carapace lost the bonus to freestrikes and it generally played as an assassination

New Year, New Lists!

I am back and hoping to start posting a little more consistently.  I will be aiming for a post every other week and see if I can make time to keep up with that pace. In January, we started a new scrum (29 players, the local meta is strong).  I had decided I wanted to play Venethrax in Black Industries.  I wasn't really sure what to pair with it.  When I mentioned this to the local group, Brad Park asked if he could build my second list.  He ended up creating a Coven list in Scourge.  When I first saw that list, I really wasn't sure what to think or how it would play out, but I ended up playing it in 3 of my 5 games and went 2-1 with it.  Considering I was still learning what the list is meant to do, I am pretty happy with this result.  I will also say, my appreciation for this list has deepened with every game I played with it. [Coven 1] The Witch Coven of Garlghast [+26] - Scourge of the Broken Coast  - Barathrum [15]  - Deathripper [6]  - Scavenger [7]  - Scavenger [7

Denny2 vs Mackay

vs Derek Sennstrom Scenario:  Recon 2 Coming into this game, the January scrum had just completed and I was super pleased with the Coven list I ran.  After some discussions, I had decided on Denny2 as my complementary list.  I had several reps with the Coven list by now and wanted to get Denny2 back on the table.  I knew that whoever I ended up playing this week, I was going to drop Denny2 and just start seeing how the list operates on the table. Derek agreed to a game and brought his Crucible Guard.  Normally Syvestro is part of his pair and that's his drop into Cryx.  However, he told me he wanted to run this Mackay list as a potentially better Cryx drop.  He hasn't been super pleased with how Syvestro plays into Black Industries, specifically, and wanted to explore some other options.  Here are the lists. Me: [Deneghra 2] Wraith Witch Deneghra [+28] - Black Industries  - Barathrum [15]  - Deathjack [23]  - Deathripper [6]  - Deathripper [6]  - Slayer [10]  - S