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Showing posts from August, 2019

Approaching the Game with Kat Royer

Note: This started as something Kat wrote up for some of us locally. She has graciously allowed me to reformat it into more of an interview and share it here. (I will note, it's weird writing an interview where you are asking the questions after getting the answers, I hope this came out ok.). Kevin Strong : Thanks for taking the time to do this. I am going to jump right in and ask, when you win the roll for initiative, what do you consider when deciding whether to go first or second? Kat Royer : It is hella amazing when you win the roll, but you must understand that there are strengths to either situation. When you go first, you often are given the opportunity to travel further up the board than your opponent, but it all depends on you and your opponent's threat ranges. The absolute best case scenario, regardless of your own threat ranges, is fighting a list with static, inflexible threat. If their entire list can only charge at range 12, then you are able to dictat

Asphyxious3 Scourge vs Zaal2 Exalted

Round 6:  vs Jordan Bollin Scenario:  Spread the Net This is the final round of our July 2019 scrum.  This is a bit of an odd place because Oblivion dropped when we had two rounds left in the scrum.  Everyone wanted to play the new stuff, so everyone's lists changed.  I already had three losses on my record, so I even requested to be allowed to switch factions back to Cryx since my record was not going to have a large impact on the standings (I am just coming off a stint playing Circle because we didn't have any locals running Iona / bird and everyone wanted practice into it).  Due to this, I am only going to put down the lists that we actually played instead of our pairings, as the whole pairing thing became a weird exercise to go through. Me [Asphyxious 3] Asphyxious the Hellbringer [+24] - Scourge of the Broken Coast  - Barathrum [15]  - Cankerworm [9]  - Kharybdis [17]  - Nightwretch [7] Axiara Wraithblade [0(6)] General Gerlak Slaughterborn [0(6)] Satyxis Rai

A New Start

Last year I started this blog with the intent of maximizing the value I get out of the games I play.  I generally only get a single game a week in and due to family life, I am generally unable to make it out for steamroller events where I could get multiple games in a day.  By taking the time to write up a battle report for each game I played, I was able to learn lessons quickly and apply them to future games.  However, writing up a battle report every week ended up getting difficult to keep up with.  When I finally hit a week where I just didn't get it done, I ended up deciding to take a short break.  That break has lasted for close to a year now. During that year, I noticed that I was becoming less sharp and starting to make the same mistakes I did before starting the blog.  My scenario awareness has gone down drastically and I am generally making mistakes with placement, order of activation, etc.  I have been thinking about starting to write up battle reports again for a while