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Hey all and welcome!  I have no idea who might actually be reading this, but let me tell you a little about me.  I like to consider myself a gamer.  For a long time, I thought that meant I was specifically into video games.  Then, I discovered table top RPGs.  Later came board games (real board games, not Monopoly and Clue, but things like Catan and Pandemic).  It was really only a matter of time before I found my way to tabletop war gaming. 

My game of choice is Warmachine.  It's still the one and only table top war game I have played, though if I had the money and time I am sure I would find others enjoyable as well.  My first faction was Cryx.  Before I knew anything about rules, I read up on the fluff and decided that nothing could be better than a faction of undead necromancer pirate robots.  By happy coincidence, Cryx seems to be pretty good.  I started playing early in MK2 and promptly lost.  A lot.  I know this is not uncommon for players new to the game, but I really didn't do myself any favors by deciding I wanted to play Cryx in a 'jack heavy style.  In case you weren't aware, this was a very bad idea.  Eventually I decided I would also want a Hordes faction and got a great deal on some used Skorne.  These are the only two factions I have played and so far I have stuck with them through MK2 and now into MK3.

I would consider myself an average player.  Like most who play the game, I am just trying to get better.  My local meta has been through some ups and downs since I started, but recently has hit a pretty good surge.  We run a tournament that we refer to as the Scrum.  It's a Steamroller tournament, but instead of taking place on a single day, it's spread out over a month.  Each week, pairings are announced and you and your opponent need to find a day and time to meet up to get your game in.  This is a fantastic format for someone like myself who has reached a point in life where gaming time is at a premium.

Although I find it difficult to make time for other gaming pursuits, I try to make time to get out one night a week to play Warmachine.  While my desire is to continually improve, it is slow going with the limited amount of games I can play.  My hope is that by writing a little here I can reflect on games that I played and put down some of my thoughts so I can improve.  If I end up with useful feedback, that would be cool too.

My posts will probably alternate between battle reports of games that I play and my thoughts on some lists I am thinking about or particular models I want to explore.  Although I don't find as much time for other types of gaming, if the mood strikes I might throw a post up about some of my other gaming pursuits.  If this is something you might be interested in reading, feel free to come back sometime.  My hope is to put up one new post each week.  It's a noble goal, but we will have to wait and see how long that lasts.  My first series of posts will be reviewing the games that I played for the January Scrum.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and I hope you end up finding something of value here.


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